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Neck Lift in Tampa, FL

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What Is A Neck Lift?

Do you wear turtlenecks or scarves to hide the saggy skin on your neck? If you do, renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang is proud to offer neck lift surgery to reduce the appearance of a fuller neck. This facial surgery tightens the area underneath your chin. To remove a "double chin" or "turkey neck," Dr. Mang excises saggy skin, uses liposuction to remove extra fat, and tightens the remaining tissue. A neck lift creates a tighter appearance, which provides dramatic enhancements to your profile. We encourage you to read more about neck lift techniques and schedule a consultation with Dr. Mang.

What are the benefits of a neck lift?

A neck lift offers many advantages for men and women who are unhappy with the appearance of their necks. Many people report feeling more confident after surgery as they no longer feel the need to hide their necks with turtlenecks or scarves. In addition, a neck lift provides results that are long-lasting, meaning you can enjoy your youthful appearance for years to come. Dr. Mang is an experienced plastic surgeon who will work with you to achieve the best results possible.

Benefits of neck lift surgery include:

  • Reduced appearance of a double chin or turkey neck
  • Tightened skin underneath the chin
  • Improved jawline definition
  • Enhanced profile
  • Restored youthfulness to the face

Am I A Candidate for A Neck Lift?

Often, men and women who want a neck lift surgery have visibly sagging skin along the neckline. Hanging neck skin is caused by many factors, including gravity, weight fluctuations, and aging. Whatever the reason, loose neck skin can make you feel self-conscious. To reduce the appearance of a double chin, patients usually need surgical skin removal and tightening. If you are at a healthy weight, but you have sagging folds of skin, fine lines, and wrinkles around the neck, a neck lift can address these issues.

How Is A Neck Lift Performed?

During a neck lift procedure, Dr. Mang will administer IV sedation or general anesthesia. The incision is placed around your ears, and if needed, underneath your chin. Patients with pockets of fat may require a form of liposuction. If you do, we will complete this step before removing extra skin. Next, any loose skin is excised and the remaining skin is pulled tight. Even though Dr. Mang places sutures at the incision site, patients will not have any issues concealing scars because they are located underneath the chin or behind the ears. To enhance your results, we can combine your neck lift with other nonsurgical options that improve the skin's texture, such as a chemical peel.

What to Expect After A Neck Lift

After a neck lift treatment, you will most likely experience some mild swelling and bruising. To reduce any fluid retention, some patients may need small tubes near the incisions. As you begin to heal, these side effects will subside on their own. Patients should rest and avoid any strenuous movements and activities for the first several weeks. While recovering, clothing should not touch the neck because it could impact your healing. You should notice visible results almost immediately. Neck lift surgery can make a tremendous impact on your profile and improve your confidence.

Neck lift FAQs

How do you prepare for a neck lift?

Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for neck lift surgery, including any medications you need to avoid prior to the procedure. You may need to stop smoking and avoid certain vitamins or supplements for a period of time beforehand. We will also discuss your medical history to ensure that you are a good candidate for surgery.

Is neck lift surgery safe?

Like any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with neck lift surgery. However, Dr. Mang is a highly experienced and skilled plastic surgeon who takes all necessary precautions to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of patients. Plus, with proper preparation and post-operative care, the risk of complications is greatly reduced.

Are there ways to make neck lift recovery easier?

To make your recovery after neck lift surgery as comfortable as possible in Tampa, FL, we recommend taking any prescribed medications as directed, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding strenuous activities that could impede healing. Keeping your head elevated while sleeping can also help with side effects like swelling and inflammation.

Great NeckLines

Say goodbye to your "double chin" and get the firm, smooth neck you have dreamed about. If you feel embarrassed about hanging skin on your neck, please contact Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Tampa, FL to learn more. At your appointment, Dr. Mang will create a detailed treatment plan and provide information about the costs of neck lift surgery. We also offer a variety of payment options to make it easier for you. Neck lift surgery by Dr. Mang has enhanced the physical appearance of many individuals. We are excited to share this amazing cosmetic procedure with you.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.