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Facelift in Tampa, FL

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What Is a Facelift?

Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang is proud to offer a variety of facial cosmetic surgeries in Tampa, FL. One of the most popular options at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery is the facelift. This procedure addresses specific sections of the face to reduce saggy skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. A facelift helps rejuvenate the skin, so your complexion looks refreshed and tighter. Depending on your cosmetic needs, a facelift can treat fine lines, folds, and wrinkles near the eyes, cheeks, mouth, jowls, or neck. We select the facelift technique based on your goals, the health and condition of your skin, the amount of laxity, age, and lifestyle. During your consultation, Dr. Mang will help select the best treatment options, including the full facelift, mid-facelift, lower facelift, or mini facelift. With years of experience and training, Dr. Mang is a skilled plastic surgeon who understands the complexity and delicate anatomy of a facelift procedure. Our goal is to provide a refreshed complexion that looks natural and gorgeous.

What Are the Benefits of a Facelift?

A personalized facelift procedure performed at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Tampa, FL is a great surgical option for men and women who have moderate to severe signs of aging and are interested in naturally improving the appearance of their skin. Aesthetic and practical benefits of this procedure enacted by Dr. Mang include:

  • Improving multiple signs of aging
  • Enhancing overall facial contours
  • Reducing sagging jowls and double chins
  • Tightening loose, sagging skin
  • Efficacy for improving moderate to severe lines and wrinkles
  • Minimizing the appearance of lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth
  • Restoring volume loss in the cheeks and under the eyes
  • Minimal scarring that can be easily hidden
  • Beneficial for both men and women
  • Results are long-lasting

Am I A Candidate For A Facelift?

A facelift can address saggy skin in the middle and bottom parts of the face. Based on your needs, we can treat multiple sections of the face at once. Candidates should understand that age doesn't necessarily determine the best timing for surgery. Additionally, the lifting technique is different for candidates who are 35 years old versus those who are older. When selecting the best facelift technique, the condition of your skin is one of the most important factors. Facelift patients must maintain good physical health, avoid smoking, and set realistic expectations.

How Is A Facelift Performed?

Depending on your aesthetic concerns, we offer various types of facelift techniques. Some facelifts rejuvenate the upper part of the face, and others focus on the lower sections. Additionally, some procedures are more invasive and intricate than others. To enhance the outcomes, patients often combine an eyelid lift, brow lift, fillers, and relaxers. A few of the most common facelift options include a full facelift, mid-facelift, lower facelift, and a mini facelift. During your consultation, Dr. Mang will discuss these techniques in detail.

What to Expect After a Facelift

Following the procedure, we will monitor you and then send you home to start your recovery. Because we use anesthesia, patients need a responsible adult to drive them home. To ensure proper healing, each patient will need to attend follow-up appointments and closely follow aftercare instructions. You will experience bruising and swelling, slight to moderate pain, and soreness. We will provide prescription pain medication to reduce the discomfort. In about a month, you should feel and look normal. Once you have fully healed, your complexion will look softer and more youthful.

Facelift FAQ

How much does a facelift cost?
The total cost of your facelift will depend on the technique used. In your consultation, Dr. Mang will develop your unique treatment plan to match your needs and goals. Once this is complete, he can discuss cost estimates. To avoid results that look unnatural, it's best to concentrate on finding a skilled surgeon, like Dr. Mang, instead of the lowest price. Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery can help you find low-interest medical financing that will make your facelift easier to afford.

Which technique is best for me?
The best surgical facelift technique for you will vary based on your needs, goals, degree of skin laxity, what areas of your face are being addressed, and more. To produce your best results, Dr. Mang will discuss the different surgical techniques during your consultation. He can then help you decide which technique is best.

Should I get a surgical or nonsurgical facelift?
While there are many great nonsurgical skin tightening treatments, these can only give you small improvements. If you have moderate to severe skin sagging, facelift surgery is the best choice to significantly improve your appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Mang will discuss your choices, including nonsurgical procedures, to help you select what is best for your goals.

What about wrinkle fillers and relaxers over facelift surgery?
Injectable wrinkle fillers and relaxers, like BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM®, have become very popular in recent years to improve fine lines and wrinkles. Sometimes known as a liquid facelift, nonsurgical wrinkle treatments usually help with early signs of aging, but the results are temporary. A facelift will produce more significant improvements than injectables, with results that can last for a long time. Ask Dr. Mang about injectable treatments in your consultation.

Will my results look natural?
Some patients worry that a facelift will make their skin look too tight, shiny, or like they are in a wind tunnel. Dr. Mang focuses on giving you a natural-looking result, so you appear refreshed and not fake. He listens to your needs and goals before creating your custom treatment plan to produce your best results.

The Right Facelift for You

Facelift surgery can take years off your face and provide a refreshed complexion. Thanks to advancements in facelifts, patients can choose from a variety of innovative techniques that address their cosmetic concerns. A facelift is designed to help you look younger while providing natural results. At your consultation, you will receive a tailored treatment plan, information about the costs, and payment options. To learn more about facelifts, we invite you to call Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Tampa, FL and schedule an appointment with Dr. Mang.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.